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Tuesday, November 06, 2012

This has Nothing to do with Election Day....

But if you're like me, and you're waiting in line to vote, you can pass the time by looking at my latest creation.

I've been finding letter "M"'s to decorate and then hang in our entry way.  
Yes.  This M is as big as it looks....its about 2 1/2 feet tall. 
Yes.  That date is our wedding date!
Yes.  That zero looks a little off because I didn't have a zero on the page to cut out, so I chopped up the number 9.  Oh well.  

How did I do it?  5 different pieces of scrapbook paper + tracing the M + scissors + glue = my latest creation.  

Easy peasy.
Total cost:  under $10 (letter was $6.75 (with coupon) and $2.50 for the scrap paper)

OK.  Enough dilly dallying.  
Get in that voting booth and cast your ballot!


Rebecca Jo said...

What a cute wedding gift idea!!!!

As a photographer, I could take pictures of the couple & hodgepodge it... ohhh... my creative side just came out!

Tara said...

Love it! Our main level bath is all S's. 7 little S's on two walls and one full spelling of our last name in pictures I took around town. It makes me happy every time I look at it!