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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

A Bargain? Or Reality?....

We went.
We saw.
And we now have one house left on the list (the UND house) and it is barely hanging on by a thread.

Our Realtor showed us a house a little out of our price range that we both liked, but agreed that unless they really came down in price, we just didn't know if we wanted to pay that much.  And the other houses, while in our price range, were either (a) too small or (b) needed a lot of work.  It's one thing to rip up carpet, peel wallpaper or paint.  But to fix the foundation because it's crumbling (along with a lot of other things) it makes you wonder.....is there such a thing as a bargain when house hunting?

We paged through the listings again, and these are now on the "let's make an appointment for a showing" list:

1970's Ranch
(as our Realtor said, "It's dated")

Grey House with the Columns

So.  Now?
We wait.

That or start looking to find rich relatives we don't know about....

1 comment:

Rebecca Jo said...

Oh my.. .that grey house with the columns is ADORABLE!! I love that little side porch!!!

SOLD - I'll take it :) (Minus the snow)