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Friday, November 08, 2013

Q&A of the Day, November 8th...

Happy Friday!

And it's a long weekend, too!  I'm off Monday for Veteran's Day.  My day is going to be spent working on a few holiday gifts and craft projects.  My big project is looking at making some new Christmas stockings.  I got our stockings 8 years ago and honestly?  I grew tired of them after about 2 years.  They're a little too "kid-like".  Now that we have a fireplace, I want nice stockings!  My mom cross-stitched stockings for me & the Big Guy (we have a shared stocking) as well as my step dad.  I wont' go that far.  But I'm thinking of something like this:

My mom will be so proud that I'm making something using the sewing machine.

Today's question is a fun one:

What topic are you bored talking about?

Our house.

We bought the house back in August.  We moved end of August.  We've been living at the new place since then.  And it never fails that someone brings up "So...how do you like your new place?" at least once a week.

I get it.  It's making small talk.
And I feel bad when I reply with the same answer, "Its fine!  We like it!"

What about you?  Anything you're bored with?

1 comment:

Rebecca Jo said...

I'm bored about having 'talks' with Harvey about chewing shoes & shoe laces! :)