Let's Connect!

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Friday, November 15, 2013

Show us Your Life--Local Connections

I'm interrupting the Q&A of the Day posts (I see you laughing....I know.  I haven't done a post all week.  *sigh*), to do a little post about myself for Kelly's Korner and her Local Connections meet up!

Hi!  I'm Kelley!

I live in West Central, Minnesota (2 hours west of the Twin Cities, about an hour SW of St Cloud).  I work for a 2 year college.  I am part of the upper level administration team working directly with the president and vice-president of the college.  It sounds very "official" and "fancy"--but don't let that fool you.  I can't do anything without at least 2 signatures and 47 committee meetings. 
(I kid)
(Kind of)

I am married to the Big Guy.  We've been married for 3 years, but dated for 5 years before we got married.  Many people ask why we waited so long.  Answer?  We weren't ready. You can read the story about how we met here.  And our engagement story here (spoiler alert:  it was not even one bit romantic or fairy tale.  But don't judge us.  It was "very us".)

We have no children, but we do have a dog and a cat.
Our pup, Maggie (the tan colored dog) with her sister at the humane society.  

Many ask us if we'll have kids.  We're both older (early 40's) and we've discussed at length if a baby is best for us.  We have agreed that a baby is not in our plans.  But children are!  We're exploring adoption--specifically adoption of an older child.  Don't get me wrong.  I love babies.  When friends have children, I am the first one to bust through the door and hold that baby for hours.  I have been known to be the person who can get a fussy baby to be settled.  Oh.  It's true!  But having a little of my own?  That hasn't been placed on our hearts.  Adoption of an older child, has.

For many years I, along with 11 other ladies, participated in the Breast Cancer 3-day event in the Twin Cities.  We do this to honor our friend Amy who is a breast cancer survivor.  Check out my links on the left to read our story.  We've since "retired" from the 3-day.  It's a lot of work.  

The Big Guy and I are pretty liberal in our beliefs, but we also believe in surrounding ourselves with people of all backgrounds, faiths, beliefs, and everything in between.  The Big Guy is Unitarian and I am Lutheran, but we are both more grounded in the Lutheran faith.

 We love to travel and make it a point to try and go somewhere at least once a year.  
 The Big Guy listening to the audio recording for the Holyrood House in Scotland

 You can't go to England without taking a photo in a phone booth!
(and I am still baffled at why I look so.....grey....)

I feel like I've just written an ad for Match.com.  ha!

So, that's a little about me!  If you're from MN....say hi!  If you're not....say hi anyway!  

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Kelley- I am also from central MN. My name is Amanda :). I read Kelly's Korner and was so excited to hear about a blogger that lives in MN. I used to have a blog before Nursing school, but it went to the wayside during the time :( - I'm thinking about starting up again. I loved your blog post and was excited to read about another blogger in MN. Thanks for the great post and I look forward to reading your blog more.