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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Pinterest Challenge--Scarf & Belt Storage (HOORAY!)

Over at Young House Love they're having a summer Pinterest challenge!  This is a no-brainer for me....I love Pinterest and I love trying out different things I find!   In the past I've shared:

The drying strawberries in the oven that does not work (seriously people--stop pinning this one!)
The cinnamon rolls on a waffle iron
Making gift card holders out of laughing cow boxes
Making a knock off of the "House Rules" from an old camping chair
Growing potatoes in old farm tires (they're growing like CRAZY!!)

Today?  Today is a project that is so simple and so easy, it made me say, "Why didn't I think of this earlier?!"

I saw this pin the other day....

I literally smacked my head at how easy it was.  I love my scarfs but they are hanging on top of one another on a peg, on the closet door.  So are my belts.  See?

The closet I use is really tiny.  And when we eventually buy our forever home, closet space may be at a premium.  So, I decided to skip the hanger (this is a great idea, though!), and use a cheap curtain rod so that I could hang my scarfs AND belts without using hanger space!  Here's how I did it.

  • Count the number of scarfs & belts you have BEFORE you go shopping.
  • Purchase shower rings (I had 8 scarfs, so I needed 1 box of 12 rings, Target, $1.20)
  • Purchase shower curtain hooks (I had 5 belts, so I needed 1 box of 10 hooks, Target, $6.99)
  • Purchase cheap curtain rod (Target, $5.99)
  • Decide where you'll hang your curtain rod, locate studs to secure bar firmly--you don't need this thing falling off the wall, which would cause you to get mad at yourself for ruining the wall and hoping like hell you can cover the holes without anyone seeing (ask me how I know this.  don't tell my husband)
  • Install the brackets--I chose the alcove next to the closet, which has a sloped ceiling.  The drawers are used to store things I don't use regularly, so the spot was perfect.
  • String scarfs through the rings.
  • Slide the rings onto the rod
  • Put the rod onto the brackets
  • Put your belts onto your hooks and hang on the rod
WALA!  Check it out!  

Note:  I have one belt that has a small buckle.  I wanted a hook that had a small enough end for me to slide the buckle over it.  That helped me pick the style I wanted to use.  This particular style gives me a "2 for 1" where I can hang belts on both of the little hooks!

For $15 I have a fun way to display my scarfs and belts!
Now.  Head over to Young House Love and Bower Power to check out more, awesome, amazing pinterest projects!


Mark said...

I should totally do that! Now, I just need to go and buy some scarfs.
Seriously though(yes I can be), great job!

Rebecca Jo said...

Pinterest is changing your life!!! :)

I never seen the strawberry one... guess its a good thing! :)

Tracy Griffin - Artist said...

LOVE! I'm SO doing this!